How we help

What we do

We are a network of organizations that champion fact-based, inclusive, and youth-centered sexuality education and healthcare in the Minneapolis area.

As a collaborative, we advocate for policies and practices that increase access to high quality sexuality education.

Young People

Whether it's in a clinic, school, or community setting, we are there to talk through the challenges and questions young people have.
Our organizations engage young people in learning and skills-building through interactive and tailored classes.
Meeting young people where they are with answers, resources, and referrals.
Leadership and Peer Education
Many of our member organizations center youth voice in their work through youth leadership and peer education councils.


Parents and caregivers
Parents and caregivers are the primary sexuality educators of young people. That doesn't mean they don't need help having conversations about sex and relationships. We are here for them along that journey.
Youth-serving professionals
Youth-serving professionals like teachers and social workers are trusted adults for many young people, and the ones they go to seeking support and answers. We provide training that better prepares them for whatever conversations come up.